It's been nine, yes 9, months since I last updated. see this is what happens when people start
fiddling with the java script and god knows what. i couldn't access my site part of that time any way.
Lots of people have a web site these days, so I figured, why not me, too? There's not nearly enough un-reasearched, insane
pointless crap on the internet ...Hey at least it's not porn! ...if there's still anyone looking at my site after that then
have fun! It's probably worth it. =^_^=
I'll use this site to post some of my artwork . I'll try to post the best ones, but no guarantees!
Note: It's not always easy to get scanner time at the computer lab so I've been somewhat slow about
getting to putting up new pictures. Sorry! To people who come to my site from my bussiness cards, i'm putting up new art this
week/end so never fear! =^_^=
This web site is for expressing myself. Convetion photos, art work, book/movie
reviews whatever strikes my fancy.
I've been updating this site in-frequently, unless I do something really cool and
feel like showing off =-_^=, so make sure to check back when you feel like it.
I try to update this page often with new pics. Sign the guestbook, let me know what you think! =^_^=
My Live Journal
M.P.E.A.D. Ranting
M.P.E.A.D.Ranting is my web log where I speak my mind about whatever's on my mind and give in to
my Fan girly-ness. 12 -07-03 Lots of updates there recently!

The Toy Box
is my NDR, Azone and Volks Dollfie site. [it will also have my plushy attempts and Sculpey handmade dolls]
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