You never realize how bad you can screw up until you do! The up note is that most people don't feel the same way about my
crappiest drawing and many of them have made it to con art shows thus proving you can't tell what people want.

I can think of at least 87 things that I think is wrong with this picture. Last night/early Monday morning I realized that
while burning this pic would be easy [I used alot of alchohol based markers and the papers none too thick] and possibly theraputic
[as opposed to my usual method of therapy, rolling around the floor moaning 'I SUCK! I SUCK! I SUUUCK !!!! Why I am I being
tormented like this *gahhhhh*'] I decided to use my color pencils on it and I felt much better if I didn't have to work in
the morning I would've colored the whole thing probably. I feel much better now. =^_^=;; Except there's still stuff wrong
and I'm too much of a perfectionist. =o_0=;;;
