Movie Reviews
Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the rings Ok I saw only 3 movies that I liked last year and this one is #1 in the
list. It pretty much follows the books. It was a great movie and there were a lot of little things in it that you might miss
the first time you see it. {like Legolas was walking on top of the snow while everyone else was sunk into it. ]
American Pie
This is an awesome movie about a group of kids in high school. I guarantee you'll laugh a lot, especially at the scene with
the apple pie. -Posted 4/15/00
Con Reveiws!
Shoujo Con 2001 Ok Shoujo con was good this year! The lines were longer because there was no attendence cap and food
was a bit harder to get to but all in all the changes were for the good i think. The dealers room was well stocked with oodles
of doujinshi everything from cute fluffy innocent stuff to stuff you can't have lying around your appartment or you'll be
a statistic in a Chris Rock skit (you know which ones]. The new hotel's beautiful too. I didn't get to hangout this year since
I went with a group and we sort of ended up sticking together. There were some gorgeous costumes. One 4 person groupe was
dressed as the cast of the manga Clover by CLAMP. Hope fully I got some pictures. Like an idiot I forgot to change my batteries
in the camera and forgot to put a tape in the camcorder. [i never do stuff like that] People I spotted at the con [who's names
I recall]. Chad , who's really cool hair cut had a soldering iron accident, Myra, Colleen Doran, and this really cool girl
who's name i can't recall =^_^=;; Oh yes and the first shoujo con dance... it ROCKED!! It brought the roof down, and tore
it up like a wet nap at an all you can eat BBQ rib buffet. [I think i pulled a leg muscle or two =^_^=;; ] This DJ ran the
dance like Rob Lantz . Finally! another good DJ!!