Today I did something I haven't done In a long time, I surfed the web. Yes i was a hitchhiker on the information super highway
[ok i agree that last comment was lame, but i spent the night sleeping under a table I figure I can get away with it.] I
found some pretty cool websites, most of them art related, which mostly have to do with the other posting i'm putting up.
But here are the links to them:
"sometimes I look at the world and I want to scream NO!"
That's a quote from 'RIDE' one of the comics on Locke's site, Damaged, great artist, kick ass web design. I want to draw
city scapes like that!
I found the Fantaisia link by looking on the CG NAVI link, Unfourtunately they're in Japanese so you'll need to use a translator
unless you wan tot try the 'click buttons untill something pops up that lookjs right' method!
Fantasia-Yaoi novels & illustrations
CG NAVI for Adults
Boy's Erotic CG Ring
I like manga style art, and yaoi! If you don't try Harisen! It's a japanese doujinshi circle devoted to Harry Potter! And
boy can they draw! [Sirus Black looks like Vincent from FF7 =^__^=]
Harisen-harry potter fansite from Japan
The HarryXDraco pic depository [that's what I call it] Now that's yaoi!