Stuff that People Probably Don't Know About Me
Everything is FUBAR! 1-31-02 Well i finally got to the point that i'm so angry that my head feels like i'm in a vice.
Good things; My friend Rob e-mailled me back which means he's OK! I'm doing so well on Furbid that it's almost scary. After
valentines day is Katsu. My birthday falls on a weekend. I really love the 5 volks dolls i made and I know how to fix my
sewing machien.Bad things:I haven't seen my roommates in 7 days and rent is due on the 5th of February. I need a new bristol
board pad. It's $50 at the door to get into Katsu and you're not gaurenteed to have fun.
What will I write about on my weblog? A wide variety of things. There could be postings about my reactions to a movie or TV
show I saw. I might weigh in with my opinion of a presidential election or a world event. Or I might recommend a restaurant
I've gone to (if I do, I'll be sure to use the Web Gem feature to include a map to the place).
My Second Topic
Road trips, daydreaming, anything that lets your mind wander is when i belive humanity starts to use the other 95% of their
Log page 2-23-02-??? Desperate Cries for Attention
Weekly Log Page: 11/20 - 12/1/01 dolls,dolls,dolls
Weekly Log Page: 12/12/01-? Sucks like a Dirt devil, Back to dolls
![Gondolas in Venice; Actual size=240 pixels wide](/imagelib/sitebuilder/layout/gondolas.jpg)
Here's a picture I took on a recent trip.
We hope to update this page often with new photos.