summer |

Name: Axis de Medici
Age: 16
Creation Info:
Body: Volks Excellent B ,
Head: AZONE Doll Edit kit prerooted blonde 106-type head, white-skinned
Eyes- 8mm hazel green Mac Creative lips painted with Liquitex paints
Likes: Cooking, playing the piano, video games
Dislikes: Thunderstorms, noisy people, the color orange, swimming
Background: Axis has been modeling since she was a baby. Her family is from Switzerland but they moved
from there when she was little. Her natural grace and sweet nature has made her a popular teen idol and she frequently has
to hide at friends homes to keep away from her fans. She's mostly safe from the public at school since everyone there will
watch out for her. She's been on four dates with Vivian one of her co-workers who she has a major crush on.
on the couch |

