Though already customized these dolls and figures are or are becoming near and dear to my heart! I have 3 Lolli Pop Girls,
a collection of My Little Ponies and 12 Sylvanian Families bunnies.
Jenny & Licca
Doll$ Japan [onlin store]
ES Toys [JP]
Jenny's Club (JP)
Licca Castle (JP)
Rachel's Addictions
LoliPop Girls
The Lolli Pop Girls!
Lady Lovely Lock's Kingdom
Lady Lovely locks was one of three shows that came on sunday's when i was little. This link my explain more
Slyvanian Families aka Calico Critters
Benjamin's Sylvanian Families E-Zine! [uk]
Sylvania Insania [USA siste]
Someday Isle Toys [($) internet discount!]
Sylvanian Families [UK]
E-Z Toys [UK]
Toys Passion [Singapore?!]
My Little Pony
Dream Valley
My little Ponies were my all time favorite toy as a little girl [I think I still have the collection at my mom's house]
 You are GOTH Pony!
Which Fucked up "My Little Pony" are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Lego's official site
the Gundam section
80's cartoons