The Toy Box

Instructions Page

On this page, I'll include one or more sets of instructions that may help others get involved in or become more proficient at my hobby.

Home | Volks Dolfies, and Super Dolfies | Chibi ToyBox | Cloth Dolls and Plushies | BBS | Related Links


When you first get your Volks Excellent Body base modle [and after you're done yelling yay it's here!!] take it out of the box to see if everythings attached, [the foot fell off mine last week, and i glued it back on =P]. Now figure out how to move and bend it. They are alot more flexible than I thought, though they can't do everything. With every picture i took I learned something else about how they are put together!

When taking pictures, try to find a spot with good lighting so you won't have to use the flash. I haven't had any good results with the flash myself . =P


I'm a beginner, but I know a lot of people who have been doing Volks longer than me! Here's a list of useful
links provided by them! Thankyou to Natalie, Sarah [for writing an e-mail in japanese for me and Makiko san for reading it and responding. =^_^= NOTE: Mokuji on the main page also has a how to link since his/her dolls all have 'real' eyes! They also made ther own cat eyes!!!

Volks Helpful Links

Animefigurekit [has a how to section]

Buiscuit House


Wondering where to get realistic eyes so you can try to put them in your Volks/NDR? Try these 2 links! Mac-creative has the really cool [and cheap!!] Glastics line of doll eyes but you have to go through a messanger service to order them. They have silver and gold eyes too!

Mac-Creative Co.

Porcelain also sells Glastic eyes at what must be wholesale prices because they are rediculously cheap! [But no cool colors like red and yellow. Still have to get those from Japan! =P]


Learn how to pose and use a zoom lense. I borrowed the local Multi Media center's digital camera for my shots. It was the most fun I've had in weeks! It took me 1 1/2 hours. =^_^=

Volks Super Dollfie Fans

If you're like me and want a SD but can't afford one, then mabey you would like to try to actually make your own Super Dollfie [i.e. ball jointed doll] from scratch (design the look and build it your self!) Go to Noah's link below! i'm currently trying to make to make one using Super Sculpey. [See the Sculpey link below] it's a fun learning experience.

Really good tutorials! Wigmaking and dress making

WEFTING HAIR [how to make a wig]

Perukeng [assembling the wig]

How to Make Noah's Doll


How to Change a Tire

Step 1: Pry off the wheel cover with the wrench and loosen the wheel nuts.

Jack of a car; Actual size=240 pixels wide

Step 2: Put the jack under the car.

Step 3: Use the wrench to jack the car until the wheel is about three inches off the ground.

Step 4: Remove the nuts, mount the spare, and thread the nuts back on by hand.

Step 5: Lower the car, remove the jack, and then use the wrench to fully tighten the wheel nuts.

Tools and Materials

In this area I'll include a list of all the material necessary to perform the tasks I'm describing on this page:

-Money, trust me your going to be going on some spending sprees. =^_-=
- the smallest paint brushes you can find! i have 25/0, 10/0 15/0 which were the smallest detail brushes I was able to find in my area. I also tried using my cat's shed whiskers when desperate! =^_^=;;
-Paint thinner
-Liqutex paint: I bought one of there 10 color sampler sets for about $12 it's perfect and you get a whole range of colors, plus a gloss sealer finish [which doesn't work on decals =P.
-good lighting: you'll be painting a small surface so you'll need good light.

Sue's will teach you how to make basic sloper patterns for you dolls [If you have slopers you can make any outfit you want] Medeval Shoes has patterns for shoe that can be adapted for dolls!

Sue's Tiny Costumes

Footwear of the Middle ages

When rooting your head your self:
1-feel free to experiment I used mini curl doll hair meant for larger dolls on Yuri. =D
2-Use alot of hair to get a good part like in the above picture of Yuri!
3- get some of those mini hair clips so you can hold the hair in place when you get to the hair styling part. Try not to burn yourself when pouring the boiling water on the hair! =^_^=;;

Doll Rave


SSP Special has great pics! But their link doesn't seem to be working !

Hair rooting patterns [jp]

How to root ahead to achieve that cool color mesh look.

I put Ken doll shoes on the boys, and while they don't fit they do look sort of nice. If you cut the back of the barbie shoes they will fit girl Volks dolls.


In this area I'll define any specialized vocabulary that it's helpful to know in order to perform the tasks described on this page.

Dolfie- is short for Doll Figure
SD-Super Dolfie the nearly 2ft size poseable Volks dolls [waaaah I want one!]
EB- Excellent Body
There are now 3 kinds of male EBs; the C, N, and even more posable Neo Guy Go [comes with a pre-rooted head]
There are 12 kinds of female EBs; A-M and the Neo EB

there are 5 Excelent minis too.