When you first get your Volks Excellent Body base modle [and after you're done yelling yay it's here!!] take it out of the
box to see if everythings attached, [the foot fell off mine last week, and i glued it back on =P]. Now figure out how to
move and bend it. They are alot more flexible than I thought, though they can't do everything. With every picture i took
I learned something else about how they are put together!
When taking pictures, try to find a spot with good lighting so you won't have to use the flash. I haven't had any good results
with the flash myself . =P

I'm a beginner, but I know a lot of people who have been doing Volks longer than me! Here's a list of useful
links provided by them! Thankyou to Natalie, Sarah [for writing an e-mail in japanese for me and Makiko san for reading
it and responding. =^_^= NOTE: Mokuji on the main page also has a how to link since his/her dolls all have 'real' eyes! They
also made ther own cat eyes!!!
Volks Helpful Links
Animefigurekit [has a how to section]
Buiscuit House
Wondering where to get realistic eyes so you can try to put them in your Volks/NDR? Try these 2 links! Mac-creative has the
really cool [and cheap!!] Glastics line of doll eyes but you have to go through a messanger service to order them. They have
silver and gold eyes too!
Mac-Creative Co.
Porcelain also sells Glastic eyes at what must be wholesale prices because they are rediculously cheap! [But no
cool colors like red and yellow. Still have to get those from Japan! =P]

Learn how to pose and use a zoom lense. I borrowed the local Multi Media center's digital camera for my shots. It was the
most fun I've had in weeks! It took me 1 1/2 hours. =^_^=
Volks Super Dollfie Fans
If you're like me and want a SD but can't afford one, then mabey you would like to try to actually make your own Super Dollfie
[i.e. ball jointed doll] from scratch (design the look and build it your self!) Go to Noah's link below! i'm currently trying
to make to make one using Super Sculpey. [See the Sculpey link below] it's a fun learning experience.
Really good tutorials! Wigmaking and dress making
WEFTING HAIR [how to make a wig]
Perukeng [assembling the wig]
How to Make Noah's Doll
How to Change a Tire
Step 1: Pry off the wheel cover with the wrench and loosen the wheel nuts.

Step 2: Put the jack under the car.
Step 3: Use the wrench to jack the car until the wheel is about three inches off the ground.
Step 4: Remove the nuts, mount the spare, and thread the nuts back on by hand.
Step 5: Lower the car, remove the jack, and then use the wrench to fully tighten the wheel nuts.